Best Tool

Our machines
The machines that we're using are not available in Taiwan which were all purchased from the foreign country . It used for making cooling towels or making blankets, wipes, etc.
Microfiber towels is different from traditional ones, the Microfibers are extremely thin (only 1/200 of the hair, it increased the surface area), so there is a larger wiping area and better adsorption. There is a lot of adsorption space, so it can absorb more water, and does not flake.

Cooling Towels
The cooling towels made by newly developed new-generation, hygroscopic and perspiration-cooling nylon fiber. The fiber is added with Hualien jade powder and mica stone powder. Because the freezing point of the stone is lower than normal temperature, in addition to the cooling and heat dissipation characteristics, it also has rapid moisture absorption and release characteristics better than natural fiber. And it feels cool in the wind.
Collaboration with university, develop good products
Collaboration with university, through the creativity of young man, we have jointly developed ultra-thin cotton, which is softer and lighter than the traditional printed towel.

Developed the sublimation transfer, and received the order from MRT Taipei.
Through the sublimation transfer printing method, the small print can be clearly displayed on the towel. When we worked on the case from MRT Taipei, they've surprised by our products, the text on the MRT map can be printed clearly, and it won't fade due to friction.
Discussed with customers, and have the courage to upend traditional thinking.
We are not just being a traditional production industry. What we do more often is to discuss with our customers for searching more suitable way to produce more good quality products. We keep fixing to solve customer problems.